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I Wanted School To Be Over

Many students (high school seniors, I'm talking to you!) constantly share one common wish: for school to be over. As seniors, we have put up with nearly 12 years of schooling, have gone through twice as many teachers, met 5 times as many annoying ass kids, and just wanted our final year to be a breeze. Do we still want that?

When we said, "UGH! I want to get out of here already!" we meant that we wanted the school year to go by fast, unnoticed. However, fate and life (and some may even say God) enjoy screwing with us, and like making a wish at a magic genie booth at a fair, we got what we wanted... in the most undesirable way possible.

COVID-19 has every school in the major Los Angeles area closed, with a very high chance of not opening until the upcoming fall. We were forced into online schooling, with every teacher trying to host a Zoom session at the same time, with many teachers assigning homework every single day, and some teachers that still have no idea how to use simple technology. This is not the end we wanted.

It seemed as if our introvert lifestyles were becoming a law and a survival guide: don't go outside, don't interact with anyone, avoid direct contact, only leave to get food. Finally our binge-eating and binge-watching routines were becoming encouraged by the leaders of our state. In a nutshell, it seems ideal. Living in it, though, is what really sucks.

Be careful what you wish for. You don't know the value of what you have until it's gone. These are sayings that are kicking everyone in the ass at the moment.

The vast majority of people always complain about the insipidity of their daily routine; we're always asking for a change. It is only now that we start to realize how dependent we are in our customs. Think about it: you're sitting in your couch, watching something random on Netflix just for background noise, eating your 5th Cup Noodles in this week, daydreaming about how life was perfectly normal a month ago (and you were probably complaining about it too).

Some of us lonely people want this to be over because we miss our friends. We miss making plans we probably weren't going to show up for. We miss rolling our eyes at the kids in the halls that take their sweet ass time walking. We all miss seeing that one teacher that remembered what being a high school student was like. Some of us are even questioning if we will remember our social skills. Will we remember how to say "hi" or hug our friends?

No matter what kind of person you may be, you probably miss the times that seem like forever ago. Every day lasts 72 hours now, and there is nothing to do.

We all want this to be over, and soon. But what can we do? Be awesome and listen. That's what (also, remember to wash your hands and practice how to say "hello").


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